I’m here to help you rediscover the joy in your veterinary career.
A veterinary career is rewarding and meaningful, but it’s also uniquely challenging and can be pretty hard on your brain and your heart at times. I’m here to share how, after feeling disillusioned and burnt out a few years into practice, I rediscovered the joy in my veterinary career and, the rest of my life too.
You worked so hard to get here, but it’s not what you thought it would be, and you’re not sure you can do it for the long haul. I’ve been there. I know the disappointment of not loving your work now that you’ve achieved your dream job. It doesn’t have to be this way.
I’m putting together some evidence-based (because vets love science), practical, realistic tips, tricks and tools that you can implement NOW to help ease the mental and emotional strain of the job and ultimately help you find the joy in being a veterinarian again. I’m creating free resources, online courses, and a supportive community to reignite your fire for this amazing profession. I’ve broken it down into 4 pieces to get you back to feeling like the Inspired DVM that I know you are.